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Child Professionals

Understanding Child Specialists in Divorce

Research shows that it's not divorce itself that harms children, but how the divorce unfolds. High levels of conflict and distress during separation and divorce can be more damaging to children than parental death. To address this, the Family Law Act of British Columbia emphasizes putting children's best interests first during separation.

What is a Child Specialist?

A Child Specialist is a professional trained in the collaborative family law model who acts as a neutral advocate for the children's interests during divorce proceedings. Their role is distinct from that of a traditional child therapist or a custody and access assessor.

The Role of a Child Specialist in the Collaborative Team

Advocate for Children: Assess and focus on the child's characteristics and needs

Maintain Neutrality: 

Sign the Collaborative Participation Agreement, ensuring non-involvement in litigation

Provide a Safe Space: 

Allow children to share concerns without fear of taking sides

Offer Limited Therapy: 

Provide therapy only if essential and with parental consent

Guide Parents: 

Offer information on developmental stages, attachment, and family dynamics

Recommend Resources: 

Suggest additional therapy when needed

Develop Parenting Plans: 

Provide oral reports to help create effective plans

How Can a Child Specialist Help?

Child Specialists help by:

  • Focusing parents on children's developmental and psychological needs

  • Providing specific information about children's lives

  • Shifting focus from parental rights to children's needs

  • Prioritizing the child's best interests

Qualifications of Child Specialists

Child Specialists are:

  1. Licensed Mental Health Practitioners: Therapists experienced in dealing with children and divorce

  2. Neutral Advocates: Can be brought in to represent the child's interests

  3. Communication Facilitators: Help improve communication between children and parents

  4. Safe Environment Providers: Offer a secure space for children to express concerns

When to Involve a Child Specialist

A Child Specialist can be included at any point in the collaborative process, not just in special circumstances. Their involvement can provide immediate relief to children by giving them an opportunity to discuss their concerns. Remember, Child Specialists play a crucial role in protecting children from the potential damages of divorce by advocating for their best interests and helping parents navigate the emotional complexities of separation with their children's well-being at the forefront.

Benefits of Working with a Child Specialist

Child-Centered Approach: Ensures children's needs remain the focus

Improved Communication: Facilitates better understanding between parents and children

Informed Decision-Making: Helps parents make choices that benefit their children

Reduced Conflict: Helps minimize damaging effects of parental conflict

Emotional Support: Provides children with a safe space to express feelings

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