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Family Lawyer

Understanding Collaborative Family Lawyers in Divorce

Collaborative Family Lawyers play a crucial role in guiding you through your separation process. They combine expert legal advice with specialized training in mediation, negotiation, and Collaborative Law.

What Do Collaborative Family Lawyers Do?

Collaborative Family Lawyers are both advocates and guides who:

  1. Provide expert legal advice

  2. Guide you through the Collaborative Process

  3. Work on your schedule, not the court's

  4. Help find solutions that work for both parties

  5. Empower you to take charge of your future

  6. Move you from conflict into collaboration

How They Differ from Traditional Divorce Lawyers

Scheduling: Work on your timeline, not the court's

Conflict: Aim to reduce, not escalate, conflict

Approach: Focus on collaboration, not confrontation

Control: Put you in control of the process

Solutions: Seek mutually beneficial outcomes

The Role of the Collaborative Lawyer in the Collaborative Team

Collaborative Family Lawyers:

  • Facilitate negotiations

  • Represent clients in a non-adversarial manner

  • Help both parties find equitable solutions

  • Empower clients as equal participants

  • Guide the transition from conflict to collaboration

Training and Qualifications

Collaborative Family Lawyers typically have:

  1. Law degree and bar admission

  2. Training in mediation and collaborative family law

  3. Specialized skills in collaboration, not adversarial tactics

Benefits of Working with a Collaborative Family Lawyer

Expert Guidance: Receive legal advice tailored to your situation

Empowerment: Take an active role in shaping your future

Holistic Approach: Address legal, emotional, and practical aspects of divorce

Reduced Conflict: Work towards amicable solutions

Flexibility: Proceed at a pace that suits you

Remember, Collaborative Family Lawyers are there to support you through this challenging time. They aim to help you and your partner find mutually beneficial solutions, reducing conflict and setting the stage for a more positive future.

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