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Deirdre Prestage Severide


Contact Information:

BUSINESS NAME: Severide Law/Seachange Collaborative Divorce

ADDRESS: #201 - 5027 47A Avenue Delta BC V4K 1T9

PHONE: 604-940-8182

FAX: 604-940-9892




Through my collaborative practice I am committed to changing the way that people separate and divorce. Traditionally the divorce process has too often been destructive for couples and families, far too expensive and results in outcomes that fall far short of expectations. In my role as a collaborative lawyer I strive to assist couples going through a separation in a positive and respective manner without going to court and to reach a resolution where everyone’s needs are met in some way. Couples and families need to be restructured on separation in a positive way that avoids the destruction of relationships. 

I have been practicing family law for 30+ years now. I completed the mediation and collaborative training in 2007 and since then have focused my practice on those models. I routinely witness the positive and healthy outcomes when couples choose these models. Parents who are able to co-parent in the future effectively, spouses who retained control and were recognized in the process, manageable legal costs and relationships that aren’t fractured. 

I often hear from clients embarking on separation that they do want to maintain a relationship with their former spouse, they are worried about the children and want only the best for them and they don’t want to spend the equity in their home fighting in a divorce. The collaborative process addresses these concerns very well! 

I am a former director on the Collaborative Divorce Vancouver board, the BC Collaborative Roster Society and the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals (IACP). Throughout the years I have assisted with collaborative trainings through the Continuing Legal Education, been a contributor to JP Boyd on Family Law (Clicklw Wikibook) and have conducted many workshops on the collaborative divorce model.

Deirdre Prestage Severide
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