Patrick Grayer
Collaborative Family Professional and Mediator
Contact Information:
BUSINESS NAME: Grayer Law Office
ADDRESS: 103-1416 Commercial Drive Vancouver, BC, V5M 1K3
PHONE: 604-612-7901
FAX: 604-648-8075
Patrick is a trained collaborative law professional, as well as a practicing family lawyer and mediator fully accredited by the Law Society of BC, and a member of the Trial Lawyers Association of BC.
Patrick graduated from SFU with a Bachelor of Arts (History) degree and from UBC with a Law degree. He worked at the federal Department of Justice before setting up a private practice in the neighbourhood where he grew up and raised two children to adulthood. Patrick's practice includes collaborative, mediation, and family law services and from experience believes alternative dispute resolution results in the healthiest and most enduring outcomes for families and children.
Patrick’s background is in social services. He worked directly with people with disabilities and at-risk youth for more than 20 years prior to attending law school. Patrick is currently chair of the board directors at Peak House, a non-profit organization that operates a residential drug and alcohol program for youth in East Vancouver. He regularly teaches legal drafting skills to law students and community-based legal advocates through non-profit organizations, such as the Law Foundation of BC and Rise Women’s Legal Centre. Patrick also volunteers as a mediator and collaborative professional through Access Pro Bono BC and Supreme Court-run programs.