Rebecca L. Stanley
Contact Information:
BUSINESS NAME: Renovate Family Law & Mediation
ADDRESS: P.O. Box 3023, Cultus Lake, BC, V2R 5H6
PHONE: 236-566-0665 extension 101
DIRECT LINE: 604-239-9622
As a family lawyer, I am committed to empowering people as they navigate the unique stresses (and opportunities) that accompany the significant life transitions of separation and divorce.
As a Collaborative family lawyer and mediator, I am particularly committed to providing clients with dispute resolution processes that safeguard respect for one another, recognize the unique circumstances of each family and work towards holistic healing, even in the stormy seas of separation. Agreements ought to be durable, practical and long-lasting. This is best achieved when clients are actively and creatively resolving their own disputes with the guidance of professionals who have a team approach and care about the long-term health of both the individuals and the family. Divorce is painful, but it doesn't have to be ugly.
I am working from my home office in the Fraser Valley, serving clients in Vancouver, Surrey, Abbotsford, Chilliwack and across the province
Rebecca Stanley, Lawyer and Mediator, Renovate Family Law & Mediation
"No matter how far you've gone on the wrong road, you can still turn around."