What is mediation and how is it different from Collaborative Divorce?
While court-based divorce focuses on your rights and entitlement, Collaborative Divorce and mediation both focus on the mutual interests of you and your partner

Both mediation and Collaborative Divorce use problem-solving techniques to resolve disputes and reach an agreement.
Mediation usually involves one mediator, while Collaborative Divorce involves two Family Lawyers, one for each of you.
In mediation, the mediator is neutral, and cannot advise either of you separately or give you legal advice. You each must get independent legal advice outside of your meetings with the mediator.
Collaborative Divorce offers you the best of both worlds, replacing the neutral role of the mediator with Family Lawyers who play the dual role of giving you legal advice and helping you negotiate.
With Collaborative Divorce, you can also get support and guidance from Divorce Coaches and Financial Specialists. Your lawyers and other professionals meet with you and work together towards the best possible settlement.